Eliminating the anxiety
At ITS, we quickly and efficiently expedite shipments through US Customs and Border Protection, FDA, USDA, and all other government regulatory agencies using our licensed in-house broker.
To make your experience as smooth as possible, we offer:
• Accelerated Clearance
ITS will never wait until your pharmaceutical or biopharmaceutical product arrives at a port of entry to start the clearance process. Instead, we anticipate clearance requirements and continually follow up with the appropriate agency to expedite clearance. We usually have our customers’ shipments cleared before the cargo even arrives.
• Line Release Assistance
If you ship into the US on a regular basis, our experienced professionals will be happy to help you achieve low risk status with governmental agencies so your cargo is cleared even more quickly.
• Customs Consulting
Our highly trained customs professionals are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.